Saturday 5th September 2009
It is disappointing to say the least that the August release of the Blue Nose Friends has been delayed until some time in September, I say sometime as I am getting conflicting dates from different Carte Blanche employees.
Most retailers have been told they will arrive by the middle of Sept, I have been told by an executive that it may be another 4-6 weeks before all retailers get their allocation of Blue Nose Friends. Again conflicting information as to why this delay has happened, on the one hand it was said that the bears were arriving from the suppliers at different times rather than the whole allocation being delivered on time, on the other hand I was told that Clintons had secured a deal giving them a one months exclusivity.
If the Clintons deal is true where does that leave the rest of retailers who support Carte Blanche throughout the year, trailing behind with sales I guess, disappointing regular customers who are expecting to see the bears on our websites during August.
I have been assured that this situation will not arise with the November releases, only time will tell.
The special release of Blue Nose Friends such as Breeze the Butterfly & the Bat due to be released in November is another contentious issue, which I will cover nearer the time.
My views have been put into writing to Carte Blanche which resulted in a friendly conversation with the Chief Executive which hopefully may result in changes in the way large companies view the importance of Online retailers.